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Things to Do on Sunday for a Healthier Week

Written By: Matt Mignona

Things to Do on Sunday for a Healthier Week

Setting aside time on Sunday to recuperate and plan for the week ahead helps your whole week go more smoothly. Instead of loading up your entire weekend with plans, leaving you still recovering on Monday, allot a few hours on Sunday to relax, and then take a few measures to get ready for the next week. You'll spend the week less stressed and will eat better, creating a healthier lifestyle.


Make a meal plan and go grocery shopping


Determine which meals you're going to make for the week ahead, including breakfasts and lunches. If you struggle to brainstorm recipe ideas, keep a selection of cookbooks on hand or bookmark favorite recipe websites or food blogs to reference as needed.


Gather your recipes and create a grocery list, so you don't forget any ingredients. Stock up on pantry staples and snacks as well. Shop for the bulk of your groceries on Sunday or Monday. Hitting the local farmers' market over the weekend is another great option for stocking your fridge with healthy goods. Plan for one extra shopping trip during the week for produce and any other fresh items you may need for the final meals of the week. When it comes time to cook, you'll have all the ingredients you need, making it less tempting to order a pizza or Chinese takeout.


Schedule your workouts


Figure out the time of day that works best for hitting the gym or going for a run, so you're more likely to stick to it. Prepare for your workouts in advance to make the most of the time you have for exercise and to avoid rushing around at the last minute or losing important items. Devote time on Sunday to laundering your gym clothes, packing your gym bag, and creating a couple of new music playlists.


Prepare food to streamline weekday meals


Spend a couple of hours on Sunday preparing food that will keep well for a few days, such as washing and chopping vegetables, making brown rice, hard-boiling eggs, and roasting a chicken. Be realistic about the time you have to prep food and the foods that are sure to get consumed during the next week. For example, if you eat a lot of salads, wash and chop kale and spinach, make a pot of quinoa, and whip up a batch of salad dressing.


Having healthy ingredients on hand gives you options to make meals without spending hours in the kitchen. If you bring a packed lunch to work, consider packing several days' worth of lunches at once to further minimize your tasks during the week.


Plan to relax on Sunday night and go to bed early


Wrap up your weekend activities by dinner time on Sunday. With ample time at home to relax and get to bed early, you'll be refreshed and ready for the week ahead. If you spend Sunday afternoon or evening on final week preparation tasks, keep them light, such as running one final load of laundry or making a batch of salad dressing. When you turn in for the evening, switch off your electronics and unwind with a few candles and a good book or some soft music.


When you find yourself pressed for time following a busy weekend, prioritize the tasks for the week ahead that are most important. If you're exhausted, head to bed early even if you haven't grocery shopped. Plan a trip to the store after work on Monday to get back on track.


Are you ready for a real challenge? If so, take the One Week Health Challenge. 


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