Don't Leave the House Unless You've Carried Out These 5 Morning Rituals
Written By: Matt Mignona

You want the best day possible, right? Are you prepared for success, though? If not, the possibility you'll meet victory over the next 24 hours will be hit or miss. Carrying out positive rituals can charge your brain, readying you to achieve more. Leave the house without doing these five morning rituals at your peril:
Statement of intent
Declare your intent for the day. What do you want to achieve? How do you want to behave? Make your statement clear and satisfying. If you want to be authentic, say so. If you intend to focus on priorities, introduce your decision to your brain with well-chosen words. "Today, I will do what brings the greatest rewards" will do the trick.
The Happier Mind Journal will help you create intention each morning, and will hold you accountable to following through with your intention.
Refresh and reset
Yesterday's gone, and today's a blank slate. Engage in a cleansing ritual, washing away troubles from the past. If you screwed up the day before, it doesn't matter. As you shower, imagine the water clearing up concerns and preparing you to begin again. Reset your brain, vowing not to allow worries about the past to disturb you. Aim to live in the moment and for the moment.
Meditation isn't about being a dropout; it's about opting in and making the most of life. When you meditate, you hack your mind, teaching it to master life's challenges. You step on the road to peace, clarity, and fulfillment when you practice meditation for twenty minutes in the morning. Doing so will change your brain and have a positive impact on how you experience the day.
Would you stick the wrong fuel in your car or try to run it on empty? Of course not. The same ought to be true for your body and mind. Fuel-up by eating a nutrient-rich breakfast. Mackerel on granary bread, oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries, or eggs scrambled in coconut oil with spinach are smart breakfast choices that will boost your energy and brainpower.
Animals stretch first thing in the morning, easing tension and gaining flexibility. Whether you practice yoga, tai chi, or simply extend parts of your body one-by-one, get moving! Doing so will enliven your system, making the morning commute less demanding. Your blood flow will increase, and you'll be ready to face the day.
Don't think about leaving home in the morning until you've prepared your body and brain. Create a statement of intent, refresh and reset, and meditate. Also, fuel-up and stretch. Your thoughts will be positive, and you'll feel terrific. Most importantly, you'll be in excellent shape to meet the day.
The Happier Mind Journal is a simple to follow guided journal to help you establish happiness through the power of gratitude, mindfulness, positivity, and personal-development. Just follow our step-by-step process and complete your activities.
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